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Ground Disturbance
DATE: Next date to be announced! Please call 250 566 4601 to be added to our waiting list.
TIME: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
COST: $265.00 + GST 13.25 = $278.25
LOCATION: Valemount College classroom, 99 Gorse St.
INSTRUCTOR: Craig Hoffman
The course is designed for any party that is supervising a ground disturbance, independently performing a ground disturbance, or issuing and receiving ground disturbance permits. The program ensures that personnel are familiar with, and fully understand all regulations and variances involved when a ground disturbance takes place. The course is presented in a logical sequence - from the pre-planning stage to the actual dig and highlights the must do compared to the should do. This program is recognized by industry regulators. Participants learn how to clarify sources when searching for underground facilities, provide notification to the facility owner and receive owner notifications. Participants gain an understanding of the necessary approvals/crossing agreements and regulations necessary before creating a ground disturbance. They learn to create a plot plan/sit drawing, gain an understanding of line locating and learn about types of exposure. Participants will also learn how to do a back fill inspection, as well as how to use permits and conduct pre-job meetings. Emergency response plans and what to do in case an underground facility is contacted are also covered.
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